Still have questions?
Email us or give us a call at 514-523-5288 and we will be happy to answer your questions further.
Other Ways To Give
Q: Can I make a donation over the phone?
A: Absolutely. Our staff will be happy to walk you through the confidential over-the-phone donation process. Call at us any time at between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday, at 514-523-5288 ext 333.
Q: Do you accept donations sent in the mail?
A: Yes. Please be sure to make all cheques payable to Welcome Hall Mission. You can mail in your gift to:
Welcome Hall Mission
606 De Courcelle Street
Montreal, QC, H4C 3L5
*Welcome Hall Mission does not recommend sending cash through the mail.
Q: Is there a way for me to make pre-authorized payments for a regular monthly or annual gift?
A: To set up payments by pre-authorized debit, please print and fill out the form below. Then, simply mail in your form along with a cheque marked ‘void’ to the mailing address above.