Richard is 46 years old, and recently his life was completely transformed at Welcome Hall Mission. For 20 years, Richard had a stable career as a consultant for Canadian charities. He always loved his work and helping others. He was married for 13 years and was a committed partner, but eventually the good things in his life started to disintegrate. He went through a difficult divorce that took an emotional and financial toll and right around the same time, he lost his job.
He began to struggle with anxiety and depression as he searched in vain for new work. His self-confidence and self-esteem crumbled as weeks turned into months. Eventually, he began to run out of funds and started relying on friends for support.
After two years without work, he was completely discouraged and defeated and knew he was facing an important crossroads. If he didn’t do something drastic to change his situation, he was going to end up on the streets.
What he needed was to start over. His friends and family encouraged him to contact Welcome Hall Mission to meet with a caseworker. After that first meeting he was welcomed into a program where he could receive support for his emotional struggles as well as vocational training in his quest to change careers.
Richard has now been in supported housing at Welcome Hall Mission for almost a year. For the first three months, it was critical for him to stop and take stock, while gaining new employability skills. “I’m so grateful that Welcome Hall Mission was there for me,” said Richard. “I was able to turn to Welcome Hall Mission instead of turning to the streets. And when I did, I found people who understood me. They gave me a safe place, warm nutritious meals, time to heal and strategies and skills to face my challenges.”
Richard knows there is still work ahead but he also knows that the Mission will support him. Already, with the skills he has acquired, he has begun applying for new jobs. He has even landed some interviews! He knows that he can take the time he needs and continue to rely on the Mission’s support team as he gets his life back on track.
In his time at Welcome Hall Mission, Richard has been most impressed with the fact that each client is treated as an individual with their own unique potential. Everyone, no matter who they are or where they came from, is treated with respect and dignity.