Dear friends of Welcome Hall Mission,
When I consider the many thousands of people who have turned to Welcome Hall Mission for help since 1892, I find myself thinking, “If only these walls could talk!” They would recount so many stories of individuals who have made tough decisions, persevered and eventually succeeded in turning their lives around. In fact, our client stories are so inspirational that we’ve decided to share them with you more regularly, so you’ll find Info Mission in your mailbox more often this year.
Did you know that we count on individual Montrealers to provide almost 80% of the cash donations that support our programs? So, although a newsletter looks different from the more traditional campaign letters that come your way, we trust that you will continue to make your online donation or send a cheque just as you have so generously done for so many years.
I want to be open about another change that you will notice in 2016. We provide approximately 200,000 meals each year to Montrealers in need and while we are keeping costs as low as possible, the average cost for a meal will rise to $3.49. My grocery bill keeps going up and I am sure yours does too—so I know you will understand that this increase is a necessary one.
As you read about changed lives and see how we put your gifts to work in 2015, I hope you understand how deeply grateful we are for your support. You are the difference for Montrealers in need.