Welcome Hall Mission is a community leader in providing emergency and permanent housing solutions and operates the largest direct-to-public food security service in Quebec. In addition, the Mission partners with the healthcare network to provide free dental care, mental health services, social reinsertion programs, seniors’ support services, and youth services built around prevention and housing.
Increasingly, our thought leadership and sector knowledge are being recognized.
In 2022, I was honoured to be appointed to the National Housing Council by the Honorable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Youth in Canada. In 2023, I will be serving as the chair of Canada’s very first “Review Panel”, tasked by the Minister and the Federal Housing Advocate to hold national hearings on a specific housing-related concern.
I wish to express my deep gratitude to the competent, passionate team that I’m privileged to work with every day. I’d like to thank our board for their guidance, our government partners for their support and our incredible volunteers for their devoted service.
I particularly want to thank our thousands of loyal donors for their unbelievable generosity.
With your support and guidance, we will continue to serve the marginalized and the vulnerable in our society with excellence and compassion.