10 Myths About Homelessness - Welcome Hall Mission - Mission Bon Accueil
Welcome Hall Mission

What Do You Know About Homelessness?

10 myths and facts about homelessness in Montreal

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It has been an especially challenging world out there these last 2 years, and we have seen how a shared crisis can bring people together! While so many are relating with each other, at Welcome Hall Mission we talk with Montrealers every day who often feel misunderstood in their experience of homelessness.

These are resilient, strong, capable and beautiful men and women whose circumstances have hit them harder than most. We have put together this handbook to help you understand their voice, and better interpret what you see when you come across someone on the street.

Learn About the Myths
Smiling Man
10 Myths About Homelessness Booklet

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Sign up below to access your thoughtfully designed, compact and informative booklet to help you better understand your community. We hope you find encouragement in knowing that homelessness in Montreal can in fact end. We are so grateful for the privilege of sharing these truths with you! We know that we cannot fully appreciate the victory unless we know the struggle, so as you learn about these 10 myths, may you find hope and inspiration in stories of triumph.

“I was once a homeless man in line for a meal. Now, thanks to Welcome Hall Mission, I’m the one serving it! I can’t tell you how rewarding it is to help people who need it. I used to walk in their shoes!” - Serge
Learn About the Myths

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Welcome Hall Mission was established in 1892, and has been supporting those experiencing homelessness, families, and at-risk mothers and youth ever since. EVERY WEEK, our supporters and volunteers allow us to prepare 4700 meals in Mission kitchens, supply 3000 Montrealers with fresh groceries, and provide 90 meals to hungry school children by participants in the Mission’s skills acquisition program! Many Montrealers care about those experiencing homelessness, but are not sure how they can make a true difference. Welcome Hall Mission connects you with sound resources and true stories of transformation.

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