Macaulay Emergency Shelter (for men)
Macaulay Pavilion 1490 St-Antoine West Montreal, QC H3C 1C3
If you are in need of safe shelter, please contact us at 514-935-6396, or come to the Macaulay Pavilion at 4 pm to receive a bed for the night. We can provide you with clean clothes, new underwear and hygiene products. Showers are also available.
Welcome Hall Residences Rehabilitation Program
Welcome Hall Residences 4755 A Acorn Street , 2nd floor Montreal, QC H4C 3L6
514-523-5288 ext. 177
Welcome Hall Residences’ Rehabilitation program helps men live a healthier lifestyle. If you or someone you know could benefit from this service, please contact us at 514-523-5288 ext. 177.
Develop the tools you need to re-enter the workforce with 20 hours/week of skills training, one-on-one support, and life-skills workshops.
Who is eligible?
To qualify for the program, participants must:
> Be a welfare beneficiary
> Have a birth certificate or permanent residency
> Be 18 years of age or older
> Be referred by an Emploi-Québec agent
For more information, please call 514-523-5288, ext. 138.
Kass Day Centre
4755A Acorn Street, 2nd floor Montreal, QC H4C 3L6
514-523-5288 ext. 177
Our staff, counsellors and mentors work with youth between 15 and 25 years old, who are living in precarious situations. A team of support helps you create a personalized life plan, ensuring you are supported, housed, fed, and well-equipped to find work or return to school. For more information, please call us today at 514-523-5288 ext. 177.
Business Hours:
Monday: 9:00am-7:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am-7:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am-7:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am-7:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-7:00pm
Cœur à sœur
4755A Acorn Street, 2nd floor Montreal, QC H4C 3L6
514-523-5288 ext. 177
Coeur à soeur provides a wide variety of services for young, at-risk mothers. If you would like more information, or you are in need of support, please call us today at 514-523-5288 ext. 177.
Health Services
Welcome Hall Mission clients have access to medical consultation with an on-site nurse, provided in partnership with CIUSSS Centre-Sud de l’Île de Montréal. Furthermore, our team is available to offer counselling and guidance for mental health services. The Health Services team assists clients in accessing navigational services available in the public health system while providing the tools they need to benefit from these resources.
Jim Lund Dental Clinic
606 De Courcelle Street Montreal, QC H4C 3L5
514-523-5288 ex. 172
The Clinic is open five days a week: Monday–Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Appointments are scheduled between 9am and 3pm.
To make an appointment at the Jim Lund Dental Clinic, you must first open a file with Welcome Hall Mission. For full instructions, please visit this page.