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While you wait for its arrival, we have one more important ask...
At Welcome Hall Mission from Montreal, we see every meal as more than just food—it’s a beacon of hope, respect, and an opportunity for a brighter tomorrow. By donating as little as $4.39, you play a pivotal role in providing this crucial first step—a nourishing meal for someone in our community.
Your kindness and generosity are essential in changing lives. It’s your financial contributions that bring hope and new possibilities to those in our city who are most in need.
Even though you don’t know each other, you can provide someone with the kindness and support they need.
Would you partner with us now to make meaningful difference in the lives of Montrealers?
For nearly 150 years, Welcome Hall Mission has been a pillar in our community, providing support and care to those struggling with homelessness and hunger. It is only because of private donations that we can continue to operate – your donation ensures we can continue to be here for people in our community.
Every contribution matters, no matter the size. Whether it’s $30, $40, or any other amount, your donation is crucial in helping us offer meals, shelter, groceries and other vital services to our community.
Please give generously today! Your donation makes such a difference.